Typesetting & Design

If you are looking for affordable Typesetting & Design in Exeter, we are here to help. Exe Valley Design & Print offer a typesetting and design service at a competitive rate. Whether you require typesetting services for your new brochure, or you need advertising flyers, or your company logo designed, we can help. Why not give us a call to see how we can help your business stand out? 

How it works

The more information you can supply to us in the first instance will greatly reduce the time it takes for us to typeset and design your product, therefore we suggest the following:

Supply us with as much information as you can about your design specifications, along with word files, professional photographs and logos where possible. This makes the whole design process that much quicker.

Supply photographs or illustrations as 300 dpi digital files, at the correct size they are to be reproduced at. We can scan in hard copy originals, however an additional charge per scan will be made for this.

Logo Design

We can rework an existing logo or create an entirely new logo based on your design specifications. If you have had a logo for your company previously designed, please supply the original electronic files (Illustrator, Photoshop, Freehand etc.) We can redraw your logo, provided that we have been given a good quality printed original to replicate. However, logo redrawing does take time and will increase the overall design timescale. 

Contact us

If you require further information regarding our professional typesetting & design services in Exeter and Devon, then do not hesitate to contact us. We work closely with our customers to ensure all design requirements are met. We look forward to hearing from you soon.